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quizzing website
Von gameabc1, 25.08.2011, 05:50

Christmas Trivia Quiz Questions

Your Christmas quiz questions or answers should all have a connection with Christmas, and each round should ,aion kinah,be different. My typical Christmas trivia quizzes are structured in that way, and an example would be:

One round on Christmas trivia, where either the question or the answer has a Christmas connection, for example which actress received an Oscar for her performance as best actress in 'The Piano'. The answer is Holly Hunter, with holly being the connection.

Another type of round could be Christmas music: questions on Christmas No 1 hits, or with a seasonal connection in the title. Another could be Christmas movies or TV shows - I am sure you can think of ,Knight Noah,different types of quiz questions that are connected with Christmas. Nor need they all be connected with Christmas, and if you are struggling for questions make you quiz be connected with the time of year: winter, or Christmas and New Year. You could also have a 50/50 round: true or false or a guess between one of two answers.

Always have some supplementary questions you can add into the quiz if needed such as for a tie break. I usually include 10 extra questions that can be used in place of regular questions in the quiz or ,RIFT plat,as tie breaks.

Advertising Your Christmas Quiz

There's no point in running a Christmas quiz that nobody knows about. You can advertise in a number of ways:

a) Inside the premises - pub, club or wherever it is to be held.
b) Design posters and put them in places where people congregate - sports clubs, fitness centers, church halls, and anywhere else appropriate to your town.
c) Advertise in the local press or even local ,eve if your quiz is for charity they may offer you a slot free.
d) Word of mouth - tell everybody about your fabulous Christmas quiz and the wonderful prizes the can win.
e) Ask for donations for prizes in return for the business or individual getting their name printed on the poster.

You may be surprised at what you get. You can then change the posters to reflect the prizes and make your Christmas trivia quizzes even more irresistible.

No doubt you will have your own ideas, but that's the way I do it and I am generally very successful.

If you would rather purchase your,metin2 yang,Christmas quiz along with score sheets and answer sheets visit Pete's Christmas Quiz [] web page, and you can find more information on compiling trivia quizzes on Quiz Guy [], Pete's brand new quizzing website.

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